1·With the help of professional program, we can be at ease with our PC security.
2·Though still young and with no experience, the little actor can be at ease with the stars who worked with him.
3·Each moment one has to be at ease with oneself - not trying to improve, not cultivating anything, not practicing anything.
4·The most important thing is to be at ease with oneself, play your part when your time comes and just try to do your best for Argentina.
5·Yet bear in mind that this still implies that you should be at ease with basic probability theory and calculus, and more importantly, you should be used to thinking in mathematical terms.
6·My initial reaction was surprise, but as I have said before, I am happy to be here and I find myself very much at ease with life here.
7·At this point, they both thought that this was going to be a piece of cake, and answered the question with ease.
“请解释原子的结构,本题5分。” 对于这一题,他俩都认为只是小菜一碟,非常轻松的就回答出来了。
8·The music, film and videogame industries have all felt its effects but because of the ease with which text can be transferred online, even at slow data speeds, it was the news business that was first.
9·Ultimately, being feminine is about feeling at ease with yourself, and you can't feel at ease if you're too stiff and somber, so be the opposite: lighthearted and playful.
10·People who suffer from this phobia are extremely ill at ease in places they believe to be infested with arachnids and even though the fear might seem completely irrational to others.